Adult Children In Recovery - Moving From Insanity To Serenity
Growing Up With Insanity & Choosing Serenity As Your "New Normal" Reality
Adult Children In Recovery is a podcast that serves to empower, inspire & provide practical solutions to anyone struggling as a result of complex and repeated early childhood stress, abuse & trauma.
As a survivor of emotionally unhealthy, unsafe & wounded adult child parenting, I know how important it is to heal and recover with compassionate self-care practices from childhood trauma. I'm here to remind you none of the stress, confusion, abuse or neglect was your fault but were passed onto you.
Each episode features inspiring stories & guidance from speakers, therapists, coaches, teachers & authors who have not only survived childhood trauma, but who share powerful yet gentle tools & techniques to help you learn how to navigate your feelings, trust your intuition & become your own loving parent.
For more information on how to find a support group, visit www. adutchildren.org
If you would like to support my channel. please like & subscribe to my podcast.
Blessings on your healing journey,
Vandana Atara Aura
For More Healing Resources, Visit:
Adult Children In Recovery - Moving From Insanity To Serenity
Unmasking A Mental Illness Diagnosis
Greetings Adult Child,
On this episode, I met with the "un-doctor" Dr Fred Moss who shares that you may not have a mental illness and there may be absolutely nothing wrong with you.
Dr. Fred Moss is a mental health advocate/psychiatrist serving in many capacities: keynote speaker, psychiatry expert witness, podcaster, mental health coach, and teacher. A desire to help people be real and heard has been the driving force leading him to multiple settings and roles as a psychiatrist over the years and compelling him to continually look for better, more effective ways to provide the highest quality care to align people with their most authentic self to deliver into an eagerly awaiting world. He is the amazing creator of Welcome To Humanity, The True Voice Course, Healing the Healer, and Global Madness.
As the founder of the Welcome to Humanity movement, and the True Voice Mastermind and methodology, Dr. Fred now finds himself making the difference he came here to make. His years in the community, where he has been a physician to over 40,000 patients, and his storied and adventurous life traveling around the world has left him uniquely qualified to remind us of what we already know. Communication is where love arises from, and speaking the truth and listening authentically is the source of that love.
He is the author of "Creative 8 - Healing Through Creativity and Self-Expression" and "Find Your True Voice!". He has written many articles for Psychology Today. Also, he has won an award for the best essay at the 2019 Conference for Global Transformation, titled "Global Madness, What Must Happen to Unite.”
To learn more about Dr Fred, visit his website at https://drfred360.com/
To learn how to become your own loving parent, schedule a 15 minute discovery session with me at https://vandanalighthealing.com
Please like, review & subscribe to my YouTube Channel at Vandana LIght Healing & share my adult child in recovery podcast with others who have had a difficult childhood.
Bless You,