Adult Children In Recovery - Moving From Insanity To Serenity
Growing Up With Insanity & Choosing Serenity As Your "New Normal" Reality
Adult Children In Recovery is a podcast that serves to empower, inspire & provide practical solutions to anyone struggling as a result of complex and repeated early childhood stress, abuse & trauma.
As a survivor of emotionally unhealthy, unsafe & wounded adult child parenting, I know how important it is to heal and recover with compassionate self-care practices from childhood trauma. I'm here to remind you none of the stress, confusion, abuse or neglect was your fault but were passed onto you.
Each episode features inspiring stories & guidance from speakers, therapists, coaches, teachers & authors who have not only survived childhood trauma, but who share powerful yet gentle tools & techniques to help you learn how to navigate your feelings, trust your intuition & become your own loving parent.
For more information on how to find a support group, visit www. adutchildren.org
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Blessings on your healing journey,
Vandana Atara Aura
For More Healing Resources, Visit:
Adult Children In Recovery - Moving From Insanity To Serenity
Heal stress eating and stop stuffing your feelings
Dear Adult Child Listeners.
I recently sat down with Dr Joy Bracey & had a heart opening & mind blowing conversation about adult childrens trauma response to eating our feelings which soothed our developing nervous system, helped us feel safe & calmed us down when no adult caregiver was available or able to and how we can love ourselves free of the past with self-care tools to stay present with mindfulness. awareness & self-acceptance.
Dr. Joy Bracey, a licensed therapist, self-love & mindfulness teacher, public speaker, single mom of four, and successful non-profit CEO, has lived with the disease of obesity her entire adult life. After many cycles of weight loss and weight gain and struggles with diet culture, she embraced her curves, claimed body positivity, and let go of her fantasies of fitting back into her college jeans. Then, at age 47, she began a self-love journey that put her on track to get honest with herself about the costs of living in a body that was 337 pounds and climbing.
Realizing that the life of freedom she wanted for herself was not possible at her size, she started considering medical solutions and documented her journey of self-discovery in a podcast called, "The Easy Weigh Out". In the 6-episode docuseries, she talks to friends and family, a therapist, and an obesity medicine specialist. They get very personal about the emotional reasons for gaining and maintaining drastic amounts of weight, food addiction, "fat-vantanges", what it's like to live in a 300+ pound body, the impact of fat-shaming and fatphobia on women and girls, why it's not about "eat less and move more" or willpower, and the medical and genetic causes and consequences of obesity. She and her adult children discuss what it was like for them growing up in a "fat" family with a mom who was always trying to lose weight, how they wish she'd have handled their "chubbiness", and their fear for her life. Dr. Joy goes to therapy with a fellow therapist who had weight loss surgery and gets deep with her lifelong best friend about the feeling of safety that comes with living in a bigger body, her fear of being thin, sex and dating while fat, and so much more.
Her podcast is not just any conventional weight loss podcast, but a radical, touching, and honest look into the underlying emotions that go along with any unhealthy coping mechanisms- from the perspective of a mental health professional who is willing to be vulnerable in sharing her story while exploring the complex societal relationship between the perks of fatness, cultural obsession with thinness, faulty coping mechanisms, and mental, emotional & physical health. She crosses the line between body positivity and health consciousness in way that few people can, but is relatable to everyone.
Visit her website to learn more at https//drjoybracey.com
Learn more & visit my inner child library at https://vandanalighthealing.com