Adult Children In Recovery - Moving From Insanity To Serenity
Growing Up With Insanity & Choosing Serenity As Your "New Normal" Reality
Adult Children In Recovery is a podcast that serves to empower, inspire & provide practical solutions to anyone struggling as a result of complex and repeated early childhood stress, abuse & trauma.
As a survivor of emotionally unhealthy, unsafe & wounded adult child parenting, I know how important it is to heal and recover with compassionate self-care practices from childhood trauma. I'm here to remind you none of the stress, confusion, abuse or neglect was your fault but were passed onto you.
Each episode features inspiring stories & guidance from speakers, therapists, coaches, teachers & authors who have not only survived childhood trauma, but who share powerful yet gentle tools & techniques to help you learn how to navigate your feelings, trust your intuition & become your own loving parent.
For more information on how to find a support group, visit www. adutchildren.org
If you would like to support my channel. please like & subscribe to my podcast.
Blessings on your healing journey,
Vandana Atara Aura
For More Healing Resources, Visit:
Adult Children In Recovery - Moving From Insanity To Serenity
The Adult Child Laundry List: What It Is and How to Heal - with Lou Bardach
Greetings Beloved Adult Child Family,
Thank you for tuning in & watching the latest episode of my Adult Child In Recovery from Insanity To Serenity Podcast!
On this show, Lou & I discussed the definition of an adult child, the 14 commonly known laundry list of adult child traits & how the adult-child 12 step program & internal family systems therapy seem to work really well together for individuals who experienced repeated & unprocessed childhood trauma.
As an ACAer & IFS lover, there is deep value in each especially when we can get to know, love & honor all our parts including our inner critic who is always trying their best to protect us.
To learn more about ACA meetings & view the list of adult child traits, click here to learnhttps://adultchildren.org/literature/laundry-list/ more:
To contact me, visit my website: http://vandanalighthealing.com
About Lou Bardach:
Lou Bardach is a Life & Wellness Coach and Registered Clinical Social Work Intern (RCSWI) focused on healing the effects of childhood trauma and other adverse childhood experiences. Lou is an Internal Family Systems (IFS)-informed practitioner and commonly uses a “parts” modality with clients. He has a 12 Step program history and draws upon the Reparenting (inner child) modality from Adult Children of Alcoholic/Dysfunctional Families (ACA/ACoA) in his practice.
Lou has studied Tibetan-style meditation/mindfulness and brings a grounded, person-focused approach to supporting others. He believes each person is an expert on their own life and partners with his clients to create a safe environment for self-exploration, healing, growth, and transformation. He believes that health and well-being are cultivated through self-care -- by learning to become one’s own compassionate caregiver.
Coaching Website: https://www.livetruebewell.com/
Psychotherapy Website: https://www.cypresswellnesscenter.com/loubardach